The 1970 British Cohort Study (BCS70) is following the lives of more than 17,000 people born across England, Scotland and Wales in a single week of 1970. Over the course of your lives, we have collected information on all aspects of your lives, including your health, your physical, cognitive and social development, your education and employment, and your home lives.
Your generation has been shaped by some of the most significant social, political and economic changes in the history of the UK. BCS70 strives to document the lives of the very special ‘Generation X’.
BCS70 was set up originally to help doctors understand why some babies were born with health problems and why some died so early in life. Since then the study has developed into the world’s leading source of information on what life is like for your generation.
BCS70 is run by an organisation called the Centre for Longitudinal Studies at the UCL Social Research Institute. It’s funded by the Economic and Social Research Council.
Managing a study as big as BCS70 requires many different jobs – our team is made up of researchers, survey specialists, data managers, administrators and communications staff.