Who carried out this research project?
This research is funded by the UK Research Institute as part of the National Core Studies, designed to understand and defeat COVID-19. The research is being conducted by the 1970 British Cohort Study team at the Centre for Longitudinal Studies at UCL.
We worked with a company called Thriva, who are a blood testing company. Your name and address were passed to Thriva so that they could send you a kit. They destroyed this information once your kit was posted. The blood test kit was returned to Thriva for analysis and the result of your test was provided to the 1970 British Cohort Study team. Thriva did not link your test result with your contact details.
You can find out more about Thriva on their website.
Thriva are contracted by the Department for Health and Social Care to conduct their antibody testing programme.
We also worked with Kantar Public, the organisation that conducted our COVID-19 Surveys on our behalf. Kantar Public emailed you to invite you to take part in this research and also sent you your test result.
Thriva and Kantar Public are contractually bound to UCL to keep your data safe and secure, and are accredited to data security standards.