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50 stories in 50 weeks – the final word

We’ve now reached the end of our year-long celebration of the 1970 British Cohort Study. Over the past 50 weeks, we’ve traversed five decades of British social and political history, to tell the story of BCS70. Over to you, BCS70 heroes, for the final word in our 50 stories in 50 weeks journey…

Life in your early 50s

From this summer, we hope to start catching up with you all to find out how your generation is faring in your early 50s. The survey will take place over at least 12 months, and at first we’ll be asking study members to take part via a video call.

COVID-19 Survey – the bigger picture

The COVID-19 Survey was the first time that we asked you to complete the same survey at the same time as participants in four other studies (born in 1946, 1958, 1989-90 and 2000-02).

Life stories – Fiona

Celebrating 50 years of the 1970 British Cohort Study – With five decades of invaluable service to British science and society, what has it been like for BCS70 study members to take part? This week we speak to Fiona.

Age 42 Survey – Vocabulary task

The Age 42 Survey included a vocabulary task, which was a shortened version of an exercise that you had taken when you were 16. On average, study members correctly matched 55% of words at age 16 and 63% at age 42.